Welcome to the 11th Edition of Project White Horse 084640 and our fifth anniversary.
Project White Horse began and still is intended as a quest, first, for understanding the elements of time critical decision making in worst case disasters (those defined as inconceivable, potentially uncontrollable and with extreme aspects of uncertainty and chaos), and second, for further knowledge necessary to support readiness of the people who will be called upon to make those decisions when time is their enemy.
While current events have been discussed, the primary effort was focused on finding authors whose thinking was timeless in light of reflection on severe crisis response. I take pride in noting that on review of the work of the authors here on PWH (such as John Giduck, Chet Richards, Russ Honore, John Boyd, John Sullivan, Fred Leland Don Vandergriff, Dag von Lubitz, Fredrick Brown, Christophe Roux-Dufort, and all the others),I find all as pertinent now as when originally written.
This edition offers a sixth version of DaVinci's Horse in two parts intended to capture some of the main points over the last five years and then brings the work of Dr. Erwan Lagadec on leadership for Unconventional Crisis, and that of Dave Snowden and Mary Boone on the impact of discernment for first decisions when faced with initial stages of severe crisis of ordered, unordered or disordered context – the Cynefin Framework as a critical umbrella for past PWH offerings. The final piece is the DVH Part #2 encapsulating a model called the Readiness Factor as complimentary and necessary for a Culture of Preparedness.
As a quick reference and overview of the past five years, the following provides the main focus area by edition. Links to the individual editions can also be found in the "Archives" Tab:

#1 [OODA Loop]
Project White Horse 084640 website Introduction: John Boyd's Decision Cycle Concept (OODA Loop) via advisor Chet Richard's work
#2 [Analysis and Synthesis]
Destruction and Creation by Boyd
#3 [Recognition Primed Decision Making]
Exploring perspective in light of Leonardo DaVinci's thinking and via Gary Kline's Recognition Primed Decision Making and the story of the Path to 9/11 by Cyrus Nowrasteh
#4 [Impact of Virginia Tech]
Expanding the ideas of "perspective" with articles by Brian Michael Jenkins (RAND), Dr. Irwin Redlener, and John Giduck (Terror at Beslan), Don Vandergriff (Adaptive Leaders Course), and advisor Dag von Lubitz. The murders at Virginia Tech greatly impacted this edition.
#5 [4GW]
Perspective shifted to that of Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) as seen in Iraq with discussion of what that might imply about homeland security in 4GW context.
#6 [Resilient Communities]
What constitutes resiliency and high reliability in an organization and a community
#7 [Leadership for Resilient Communities]
Introducing the idea of Team of Leaders (TOL)from the book America's Army by Generals Bradford and Brown. Note this was an edition focus by way of a series of articles in the PWH FORUM for the first time.
# 8 [Culture of Preparedness]
Derived from articles by General Russ Honore, a guide for TOL was provided with multiple views on actionable concepts. Also the INTERSECTION element was introduced. Intersectional - those resulting from combining concepts from multiple fields - areas of specialization gained through education and experience - as compared to those created traditionally by combing concepts within a field - noted as directional ideas.
#9 [What Kind of War]
A second use of the FORUM for a major series of articles considering the importance of understanding exactly "what kind of war" you're in and the impact on decision makers
#10 [Boundary Conditions for viewing crisis in this century]
1)The Unconventional Crisis concept from Erwan Lagadec; 2)consideration of lessons learned from the high reliability organization thread consistent through 100 years of Naval Aviation; 3)the leadership of General George Washington in holding the Continental Army together until they were capable of defeating the British; and 4) Colonel John Boyd's Body of work are offered on the FORUM as keys to understanding resilient communities and a culture of preparedness when faced with a different crisis context – unconventional crisis.
#11 Current [ Unconventional Crisis Leadership, the Cynefin Framework, and The Readiness Factor]
In the face of terrorism/non-state warfare, radicalism, globalization, implications of possible global warming(or at minimum, recognition of the world wide impact of major disasters), corporate corruption, information age capability (good news, bad news, wrong news, biased news, corrupt news), and an emerging requirement increase for protection of citizens and infrastructure…
A forum for exchange of ideas on decision making and leadership in the 21st Century.
Project White Horse 084640 - Oct 2006 – Oct 2011